Thank you for your patronage!
Please do get in contact if there's anything I can help you with or if you'd just like to show off your creations. I can be reached on most social media platforms using the handle @QueerLittleImp
Thank you again and I look forward to seeing how you using my designs. 83
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Card Making
Almost 1 Million downloads that can also be printed and posted to your door.
Cutting Files
Supporting all major craft cutting machines such as Silhouette, Craft Robo and Brother Scan-n-Cut
Designer Resources
Create craft sheets at home to sell on the Craftsuprint website.
Latest craze in the USA for creating craft memories for people to treasure.
High-end knitting & needlework patterns for both hand and machine crafters.
Paper Craft
Book folding, word-art, educational and decoration ideas for your home.