Playing Penguins Scalloped Tent Card with Envelope
this is a kit which has all the elements to make a scalloped tent card with envelope, decoupage and sentiments of cute penguins playing an a sligh and ice skating which makes a great cute christmas card
Photographs from the Community
I printed the card onto good quality card, the envelope onto 160gsm and the decoupage onto photo paper. I should say now that I followed the instructions - but I did not- and boy did I regret this.
When I added the bottom of the tent I glued it to the bottom scallop but it should have been the second one.
I did this because I thought the designer had made a mistake when I saw my penguin disappear at the top.
In future I will try not to be too impulsive and trust the designer!!
When complete you will have the cutest christmas card that is a joy to make and one that anyone will love!