Christmas Decorations

Paint the angel wings with white A-Color Metallic Paint. Let them dry. Apply a layer of acrylic lacquer and sprinkle with glitter. Decorate the angel wings with curly duck feathers, beads and gold thread.

Decorated Angel Wings

Paint the angel wings with white A-Color Metallic Paint. Apply a layer of acrylic lacquer and sprinkle glitter. Make a hole for hanging with an awl.


Insert three pieces of gold thread through the hole in the wings.

Decorated Angel Wings


Attach a bead over a knot on the two pieces of thread which are to be used for hanging.

Decorated Angel Wings


Attach three beads with a knot onto the three pieces of thread which are hanging downwards.

Decorated Angel Wings


Tie two curly duck feathers onto the last piece of thread.

Decorated Angel Wings