Cast and painted Figures

The plaster figures are made from casting compound, mixed with water and poured into moulds. After hardening, the figures are painted in a base colour using A-Color Glass paint and details are added with glass and porcelain markers.

Plaster Cast and painted Figures


Follow the indicated mixing ratio of water and casting compound on the casting compound packaging. Sprinkle the casting compound into the water until a small peak has formed on the surface of the water. Stir the mixture to a soft consistency and pour into the mould. Tap the mould lightly with your hand to remove air bubbles in the plaster. Let it dry and harden.

Plaster Cast and painted Figures


Remove the mould from the plaster cast. Scrape off any unevenness on the figure with a craft knife.

Plaster Cast and painted Figures


Paint the plaster cast with A-Color Glass paint and let it dry.

Plaster Cast and painted Figures


Draw designs with a black glass and porcelain marker.

Plaster Cast and painted Figures


Fill in the drawn design using glass and porcelain markers in different colours.

Plaster Cast and painted Figures