News & Updates from Amy Perrys Designs · Page 12

Showing 56 - 60 of 72 News Items
May 22, 2014
Mini Heat Wave!

Well in south wales we had a mini heat wave and was lovely i got to dig my paddling pool out and invest in a new bbq, we had my brother in law and my childhood best friend over for the day and we really enjoyed the sunshine i went a bit mad on the bbq food as you can see but it all got eaten!

Here are two of my kits that are on special offer at the moment :)

May 15, 2014
Cheeky Chappies!

My youngest son taylor is never shy of the camera and every time he puts on something new its his fav moment to pose!

This week was underwear shopping lol and he was over the moon with his new spongebob pants because they matched his hat ........ my eldest jayden decided to get in on the photo and as you can see by taylors face hes really not happy that he stealing his lime light!

Here are two gorgeous baby 8x8 kits they are on special offer :D

May 2, 2014
New House

So these past two weeks ive taken a break from cup as i have had to move house, its been very stressful but we got there in the end and this is my new bathroom i fell in love with the wall paper!!! :D Here are two of my latest kits my entire collection is on special offer for the next 4 days so grab a bargain :D xx

Mar 2, 2014

What a busy half term i've had unfortunately i spent most of it down my local hospital with my youngest who got in a really nasty accident with my porch door and ended up losing the top of his finger hes so brave and amazing he has been acting like nothing has happened hes a true inspiration to me he's in hospital this week having an operation to tidy it up a bit i wanted to take this opportunity to thank all my craftsuprint friends who have sent well wishes and have cheered me up through this tough week :) Here are my lastest designs please take a look at my designs new ones added all the time <3 xx

Feb 16, 2014
Valentine's Day

So this week it was valentines day eeeekk and i was spoilt rotten my door bell went 9:00am when i opened it i was greeted by a delivery man he threw little red heart confetti over me and gave me a lovely bunch of red rose's i love valentine's dayy!!! :D xx Here are my two newest designs they are on special offer this week

Showing 56 - 60 of 72 News Items