Aunty Annies Art

Welcome to Aunty Annie's Art - come on in and look around.

I love to draw and design - mainly cute stuff but I have been known to do 'grown up' designs too. I used to paint but for various reasons I am no longer able to do so.

I was missing the creativity until I discovered the world of digital art.

At first I scanned my paintings and played around with those but it was too limiting - now I create pretty much all my images from scratch using my mouse and photoshop.

The possibilities are endless!!

Everyone needs a bright spot in their day and I hope my cute and whimsical creations can create a smile or two.

If you would like anything designed or personalised feel free to contact me, I'm happy to oblige.

I will be adding different items from time to time, so keep coming back to see what's new.

Thank you for stopping by, happy crafting. :)