Sexy Fairy and the Cherrub 1Completed by Janet Horne
I printed 4 copies on Bob's gloss 200g paper reduced to just under A5.
I cut the first layer around the outside edges then cut a slit about 9cm long from the bottom edge about 15mm in from the left edge. the 2nd layer I cut an irregular line across from the left edge to the bottom of the left wing.
I then cut around the design excluding the wings but including the cherub and harp following the harp line to the bottom.
The next layer I cut from the left edge to match the previous layer to the wings then included them but omitted the cherub.
The last layer I just cut round the fairy without wings.I lined up the 2nd and 3rd layers on the main design and marked where the slit was.
I then folded the waste over and slotted both layers into the slit, lined them up and fixed both to the back of the main card with double sided tape.
I put some white feather bits on the wings and fixed the fairy cut onto the rest with 2mm foam pads.
Stuck the whole thing to a decorative card blank, added peeloff edging, just leaving a space at the top to add the greeting. hope you like it - easier to make larger but costs more to print.
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Sexy Fairy and the Cherrub 1
a sexy fairy in the clouds with a cherrub and harp