
Sleepover - Whippets and GreyhoundsCompleted by Janet Horne

Animals / Dogs

For this card I chose a semi gloss finish in 200g as full gloss didn't look natural. I printed 5 A5 copies and, using the first one stuck onto the card blank.

Using the second copy I cut round the design along the top only ( from the dog on the cabinet to the chair outline).

From this copy I cut two holes containing the two front dogs under the end of the covers and the brown head below the white pillow.

I carefully cut the black dog out of this copy. None of these cut-outs should notice once the upper layers are added.

The third copy I cut up the chair legs, around the dog, then cut across to the pillows and around their upper edge, around the dog on the cabinet (again I kept the bottom and lower side edges in line).

The forth copy I cut along the cover line below the chair and dog, along the cover line, round the black dog, cut off the brown head, down to the bottom of that cover and along the edge to to bottom of the page.

I then cut around the bottom edge (cutting off the two dogs) to the edge of the page. The last copy I used for the other bits that I used. I cut around the top and left edge of the white pillow including the white dogs head at the bottom,down the cover and left some spare overlap between that point and the edge of the pink pillow.

I cut the little dogs head (below the chair) and the dog on the chair out as well. Then, using a mixture of 1mm & 2mm foam pads (trying them out first to see which suited) I layered up the bits working forward.

On the copy cut round the top pillow edge I cut a slit down the edge of the pink pillow to allow the piece with the white pillow to be placed partly behind it.

I also cut slits where necessary following the cover line. When I cut round the dogs I had left some spare paper to tuck in the slits which gave a natural line as though the head was really under the cover.

Be careful to get the layers in the right order. Finish off with a bow on the bed head and your choice of wording. This was a bit fiddly as cards go but a lot of fun.

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Sleepover - Whippets and Greyhounds

Designed By Category
Card Making / A4 Items / Animals Dogs A4
Animals / Dogs
Ref #

Some humans think the bed is theirs - but some humans are very mistaken! There is also a rectangle pyramid of this design - cup287451_1030 - and an oval pyramid - cup291336_1030 .

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