THE LOVE OF CHRISTMASCompleted by Shirley Taylor
OccasionChristmas / Christmas Various
Card 1:
Used a 7" square card. Glued 6mm red iridescent pearls on the opposite corners. Attached 6mm gold pearls on the Christmas topper. Added crystal glitter glue highlights on Santa's outfit.
Card 2:
Used a 5" square card. Added 3D squares under the Christmas topper to make it stand out. Glued 6mm gold pearls on the opposite corners.
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Designed By
CategoryCard Making / A4 Items / Christmas Various A4
OccasionChristmas / Christmas Various
Ref #cup1221431_10778
A 6" Christmas card. A red 4 window frame. A sheet of music, Santa, and carol singers around a Christmas tree make the card design. Decoupage and a bonus extra approximately 5" topper card. The mes ... Read More