
Pretty Victorian Lady in White Dress A4 TopperCompleted by Janet Horne

I reduced image to A5 size and printed 4 copies onto Bob's Gloss paper 200gm. From the main image cut out the roses, mounted the image onto grey/silver card stock and then used a gloss silver shaped mat to set over.

I then replaced the roses and used further bits from the spare images to layer using 1mm foam pads. I added a couple of black peel off designs that matched the black decorative surround. Then layered whole image once and and the dress again using the folds as a guide, also the hat, hands, arms, bust line and hair.

I am lucky that the printer I used added a blue tint to the image so I enhanced that in places with metallic pencils.

I added glitter to the arm band, a spot on the hat band and buttons on the bodice.. To finish I added the black border and a few more heavy glitter spots.

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Pretty Victorian Lady in White Dress A4 Topper

Designed By Category
Card Making / A4 Items / Ladies A4
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PRETTY VICTORIAN LADY IN WHITE DRESS with pink roses A4 Topper, with black flourish frame makes a stunning big card, also can be seen in A5 Decoupage

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