
Stripe Backing Paper 11Completed by Pamela Horton The whispering Platypus

Birthday / Birthday Other

I used this striped sheet as an insert for a card I have made for a 10 year old boy.

This design is cup805401_2306, and has green as the most prominent colour, so I have made the main 13.5cm square green card and scored and folded it in half before completing the decoupage image from the sheet provided and making 2 more backing sheets attaching a green satin ribbon and also attaching a simple knot tied ribbon with Happy Birthday running vertically down the outside of the ribbon.

I have used one of the computer images and some other elements to complete the insert. I have not as yet attached the verse or my personal greeting. I am so pleased at the very bright appearance the shades of green have given to this project. Pamela Horton.

The Whispering Platypus.

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Stripe Backing Paper 11

Designed By Category
Card Making / Backgrounds / Card Bases
Birthday / Birthday Other
Ref #

Traditional 'Stripe' Pattern Paper that will be so useful for so many of your card making projects including mattering & layering & great as wrapping paper for those small but special gifts. This pa ... Read More

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