
Beautiful Laid Bouquet and Butterfly Money WalletCompleted by Shelagh E Osborn Wright

Floral / Floral Mixed

I printed the wallet sheet onto 160gsm paper,cut out the parts,cutting the slit in the lower flap, and scored and folded where shown.

I attached power tape to the side tabs,folded up the lower flsap to close then folded down the top flap and tucked in to the prepared slit.

I decoupaged the pretty butterflies with 1 and 2mm foam and added a touch of cristal stickles to the wings.

A pretty design and an elegant way to present a gift of money.

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Beautiful Laid Bouquet and Butterfly Money Wallet

Designed By Category
Paper Craft / Boxes & Bags / Money Wallet
Floral / Floral Mixed
Ref #

A lovely Money Wallet, with Laid Bouquets and Pink Glitter. A Co-ordinating topper in the center and pretty Butterflies around it.Just a Greeting of your choice to finish.

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