Square Gilded Frame QUICK TOPPER Bumper Kit
This lovely bumper kit brings together all 8 of my square gilded frame 8x8 square quick topper sheets. There are 8 sheets, each one containing an 8x8 square quick topper, greetings, a blank greetings tile and a gift tag topper.
Each design is available separately on Craftsuprint. Here are the cup numbers so you don't double up;
square gilded frame - celebration roses 8x8 - cup1025600_1763
- belle epoque roses 8x8 - cup1025601_1763
- august mood roses 8x8 - cup1025603_1763
- persian roses 8x8 - cup1025605_1763
- mamas bouquet 8x8 - cup1025824_1763
- blush iris 8x8 - cup1025825_1763
- glory roses 8x8 - cup1026020_1763
- heritage roses 8x8 - cup1026022_1763