Daffy Bunny Doodles Digital StampCompleted by Gwyneth George
I printed the design out twice at a little under half size. I cut one out as a complete digital image and one with just part of the daffodil so that I could use it to decoupage. I also printed out backing cup307251_38. These were all printed onto Super Smooth white card. The backing I trimmed, scored, punched the corners with a corner rounder and folded in half to make the base card. Onto this I stuck a ribbon of linen textured gold card down the middle. I made a panel a little bigger than the digital stamp printout, again rounded the corners, and went round the sides using green ink before sticking it to the card front. The digital image itself I coloured in with my ProMarkers. I gave the image some shape before sticking to the front of my card with glue gel.
A really cute bunny that could be coloured in using many mediums, and is very much a spring design.
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Daffy Bunny Doodles Digital Stamp
Brand new for easter, DAFFY BUNNY DOODLES, with his daffodil aloft he is sure to brind some cheer to anyone who recieves him on their card. Many thanks for viewing my work and please search doodles t ... Read More