Goldstar Available

Radiant Star 2.2

$1.00 USD
Paper Craft / Embellishment / Tags / Tags Various
pastel, lime, purple, lilac, lavender, tag, greetings, funny, humorous, humor
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File Size
1.31 MB
2 times
Uploaded on
Jan 1, 2011
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Silk Super Smooth Craft Paper - A4
Extra $0.37 per sheet

Several great tags with greeting serious and humorous to coordinate with the topper and TBF tiles you'll see by clicking the connected sheets button above.

The quotes, all by Robert Braualt, you cannot read on the "sideways" tags are: In marriage, two become one, usually after some disagreement as to which one; I look at it this way.

I'm not an eavesdropper; I have attention surplus disorder.; While debating the question What is love, yield to all desperate desires to make someone happy.; Courage: Perseverance against odds.

Defined in war as bravery.

Defined in parenting as parenting.; The difference between the sickness and the cures is that the sickness makes house calls.; You begin to find what you're looking for in life when you begin to look for what you are finding.; Say what you want about aging, it's still the only way to have old friends.; There are exactly as many occasion in life as we choose to celebrate.

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