Gorgeous Roses Embellishments - Subtle Shades
Gorgeous Roses Embellishments - Subtle Shades,
These will match all my other subtle shades, backing papers, card fronts, embellishments etc..,
Print out an assortment of sizes by changing your printer settings
Checkout my other designs , i have 1000's to choose from xx
Photographs from the Community
I printed the Gorgeous Roses Embellishment sheet at maximum size. Then I printed the set of 6 Gold Bling specled frames. I chose 6 of the roses and cut them out of the sheet. Then I cut out all the frames and attached them to base cards.
After this I attached matching colour roses into frames with glue.
I printed 4 copies of the sheet onto matte photo paper and trimmed 3 of the sheets to form layers for the original.
I made up this pretty cream one and used it to complete a 7x5 card, covered with cup467684_1914 Dual-Distressed Inks- Red and using one of the toppers from cup472663_695 Butterfly Toppers No. 1.
I also used a vertical caption and some gold peel off corners.