
Frog in a Pond Foldback CardCompleted by Gwyneth George

Birthday / Birthday Other

The sheet was printed out onto glossy photo card and the elements cut out. I used a ruler and blade to cut out around the right hand side of the central front image and a ball tool against a ruler to score the card centre and the centre front folds.

The card was then folded into shape. I chose to only use the middle three sizes of the pyramid layers and stuck these on with 1mm deep double sided foam squares to keep the profile of the card low for posting.

A nice simple card to make that doesn't require hunting for a base card to put it on if printed onto a good quality photo card.

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Frog in a Pond Foldback Card

Designed By Category
Card Making / Folded Cards / Fold Back Animals
Birthday / Birthday Other
Ref #

frog in a pond foldback card

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