KokopelliCompleted by Donna Ritchie
OccasionMiscellaneous/Other / Miscellaneous
Whenever I had previously seen images like this I had thought they were just celebrating/ partying so this design would make a great card to celebrate - a new job, a new home, a new baby (especially as it is a fertility deity).
I cut the shape in the centre section of a 2 fold card so that the 3rd section could be glued over the back of my work. I used split colour quilling strips for the iris folding then stuck 2 pieces to a large piece of dst and die cut the greeting. I finished by adding a border using red Spica pen.
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CategoryCard Making / Iris Folding Patterns / Various
OccasionMiscellaneous/Other / Miscellaneous
Ref #cup120962_262
Kokopelli is a fertility deity, who has been venerated by some Native American cultures in the Southwestern United States. I hope I did him justice.
Thanks for looking at my patterns.