Love Iris Folding Pattern
Love Iris Folding pattern
Cut strips of coloured paper – 1½ - 2 cm wide (use a metal ruler & blade or guillotine).
Strips need to be wide enough to cover your pattern. Fold over approximately 2mm of the strips of paper length wise - run the edge of a ruler along the fold - to give a nice edge to work with. Place the pattern on your work bench, face up – secure it with some magic tape (so you can remove easily for use again). Place the card cut-out face down on top of the pattern – secure with some magic tape so it doesn’t move.
You should be able to see the complete pattern through the card opening. Using the colours suggested place the folded strips of paper against the line in order of each numbered section. Using magic tape, secure the left- and right-hand sides of the strips, making sure you don’t have tape showing from the front. When all coloured strips have been attached, cut out a piece of holographic paper a little larger than the ‘H’ section.
Adhere this with tape on all sides. Remove the card from the pattern, turn over and admire your handy work. Attach the Iris Folding card to a ready made blank greeting card or cut out a piece of nice card and create a greeting card for that special person… Happy Iris Folding… Deb ♥