Christmas Candle Double Staggered Easel Card KitCompleted by Pam Stubley
OccasionI printed all the sheets in this kit onto good quality white card and cut out all the pieces. I followed the instructions on how to assemble this card, which I found quite easy.
There are many different layers to the pyramages and I used all but one on each side. I did not, however, print the sheet with the stoppers on as I thought these could have been incorporated onto another sheet.
There would have been far too much waste! Instead I crafted my own stoppers, using some of the left over backing paper.
The finish to this card is excellent though - it oozes luxury!
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Christmas Candle Double Staggered Easel Card Kit
a lovely and unusual take on the easel card. this is a christmas double staggered easel card kit. kit consists of 6 full size sheets which include 1 backing paper 1 base card 1 panel sheet 1 stopp ... Read More