Goldstar Available

Day of the Year - July 18

$0.80 $1.00 USD
Card Making / Large DL / Day of the Year
Birthday / Birthday Male
day of year, male, july, celtic, dad, brother, son, friend
Card Verses
88 available in Birthday Male
Ref #
File Size
598.53 KB
Uploaded on
May 3, 2016
Text Used
Happy Birthday 18 July
Available immediately after purchase
Silk Super Smooth Craft Paper - A4
Extra $0.37 per sheet

This sheet will make a layered topper to fit a Large DL card. It is aimed at males with a birthday on a specific date in July. There is one card design for every day of the month and there is also a matching insert available.

You will notice that there is also a Happy Birthday sentiment to be placed where you wish. (By the way - the Celtic design is inside a white box so you dont need to cut out the intricate design!)

The Designer accepts total responsibility for this product, its use and any copyright issues that arise.