Christmas Steam Train Circle Stained Glass Multi Topper KitCompleted by Shirley Taylor
OccasionDesign 1:
Used an 8" × 8" card. Glued 6mm gold pearls on the opposite corners. Added 3D squares under the steam train topper. Attached 6mm yellow iridescent pearls on the lights. Added crystal glitter glue highlights on the sun and windows.
Design 2:
Used a 7" square card. Added 3D squares under the steam train topper. Glued 6mm yellow and red iridescent pearls on the steam train. Added crystal glitter glue highlights on sun & snow. Attached a gold wooden glitter Merry Christmas.
Design 3:
Used a 7" square card. Added 3D squares under the steam train topper. Added crystal glitter glue highlights on the sun & snow. Attached a red wooden glitter Merry Christmas.
Gift cards:
Used 3" square pearlised ivory cards. Added 3D squares under the toppers and added crystal glitter glue highlights on the sun & steam.
Gift tags:
Attached gold metallic ric-rac behind the toppers. Added crystal glitter glue highlights on the sun, steam and snow
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Christmas Steam Train Circle Stained Glass Multi Topper Kit
This lovely multi topper kit has a main 8x8 topper and four different toppers to decoupage onto the main design, with the ability to make four different designs.
It also comes with an insert and four ... Read More