The Flying Snowman Mini KitCompleted by Shirley Taylor
OccasionCard 1:
Used a 5" × 7" card. Attached silver wooden Merry Christmas text to the front. Added crystal glitter glue highlights on Santa's hat.
Card 2:
Used a 5" × 7" Glued 6mm red gems on the buttons. Added crystal glitter glue highlights on the snowman. Added extra 3D squares under "Seasons Greetings" to make it stand out.
Card 3:
Used a 7" square card. Glued 6mm red and green gems on the opposite corners. Attached 6mm royal blue gems on the buttons. Added crystal glitter glue highlights on the snowman.
Card 4:
Used a 7" × 7" card. Glued 6mm gold pearls on the opposite corners. Attached 6mm royal blue gems on the buttons. V
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The Flying Snowman Mini Kit
The Flying Snowman Mini Kit **Includes 5 5X7 Card Bases and 5 6X6 Card Bases ** **DECOUPAGE IS OPTIONAL** This 12-page kit comes with the 5 main card fronts ( 5X7 and 6X6), 1 5X7 insert and 1 6X6 ... Read More