Pink Bouquet Doily Rocker Card Mini KitCompleted by Carolyn Norris
OccasionBirthday / Birthday Female
The design was printed on quality cardstock. I flipped the cardstock over and printed a pale pink on the back of the pages so that the back and inside of the card would be pink rather than white.
The decoupage was done with foam pads.
The card front was attached to the rocker with double sided tape. Shimmer was brushed onto the flowers and bow. This is a lovely, feminine card which is suitable for most any occasion.
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Pink Bouquet Doily Rocker Card Mini Kit
Designed By
CategoryCard Making / Mini Kits / Floral
OccasionBirthday / Birthday Female
Ref #cup776875_38
A pretty rocker or wobble card made up of a lace doily with a pretty bouquet of pink flowers and a silk bow.
Would make a lovely card for a birthday or anniversary. Mini kit includes rocker card ba ... Read More