For Sale
Red Roses for All Occasions Mini KitCompleted by Joan Prince
OccasionFloral / Floral Vintage
To begin I typed my sentiments on the front of the sheet as this was an ordered card. Printed out my chosen pieces and cut out. I placed the base image onto a white 8 x 8 scallop edge card using d.s tape and then added the remaining pieces using foam pads. There is a matching insert which I placed inside to finish the card.
Should you wish to purchase this card PLEASE NOTE THAT MY HOME COUNTRY IS SPAIN.
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Red Roses for All Occasions Mini Kit
Designed By
CategoryCard Making / Mini Kits / Floral
OccasionFloral / Floral Vintage
Ref #cup763499_1641
Red Roses for All Occasions Mini Kit: 4 sheets for print with decoupage for 3D effect plus few sentiment tags (for your own personal text)