Spring Celebrations 1: Cake Shop 7 x 7 Card Mini Kit, Topper, Decoupage, Insert, Gift CardCompleted by Shirley Taylor
OccasionDesign 1:
Used an 8" square card. Added 3D squares under the topper to make it stand out. Glued 6mm turquoise, dusky rose, royal blue & iridescent pearls on the opposite corners. Attached a wooden Happy Birthday message.
Design 2:
Used a 6" × 6" silver metallic card. Added 3D squares under the topper to make it stand out. Created panels with reversible card. Attached a wooden Happy Birthday.
Design 3:
Used a 6" silver metallic square card. Created panels with reversible card. Added 3D squares under the topper to make it stand out. Attached a wooden Happy Birthday text.
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Spring Celebrations 1: Cake Shop 7 x 7 Card Mini Kit, Topper, Decoupage, Insert, Gift Card
Spring Celebrations 1: Cake Shop 7 x 7 card mini kit containing seven sheets as follows: 7 x 7 caption card front with gift card and gift tag. ... Read More