
Beautiful Golden roses and White Butterflys Completed by Darlene Handorff

Birthday / Birthday Floral

I printed this pattern on a smooth vanilla card and cut out the main front and the decoupage panel plus butterflies.

Then by attaching two more smooth vanilla cards I made the card blank.

I took a cue from the lively green colored leaves to add a little more color to the card. First by adding a small 1/4 inch band of colorful muted metallic paper around the edge of the front before glueing the first rose layer slightly tilted along with butterflies.

I carried the colorful edges to both sides of the inserts after adding the fine writing paper.

It's the designing that takes the time. The putting together goes well after the plan is made for the cards. Thanks designers.

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Beautiful Golden roses and White Butterflys

Designed By Category
Card Making / Quick Cards / Birthday Floral
Birthday / Birthday Floral
Ref #

A lovely card with Beautiful Golden Roses and White Butterfly's has two greeting tags and a blank one

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