
Our Family Pure Westies Rectangular 5 by 7 Card FrontCompleted by Clare Chanter

I printed off 2 sheets onto quality paper. I took the 2 main images from one sheet & on the 2nd sheet I cut the square out of the 2nd image.

I then layered these up to create the card on the left.

To make the card on the right I took 3 of the small images & layered them onto slightly bigger rectangles of card.

I then cut a strip from the tartan border & added this across the bottom. I added a gem to each end & a With Love oval sentiment to the centre.

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Our Family Pure Westies Rectangular 5 by 7 Card Front

Designed By Category
Card Making / Quick Cards / Card Fronts Animals Dogs
Ref #

This 5 by 7 Rectangular Card Front provides a quick and easy Card Front with the optional layer 2 to give an additional stacker element.

Alternatively use the Rectangles to make a larger card with the ... Read More

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