Magical Unicorn Christmas Card FrontCompleted by copper cat cellar
Occasionwonderful design for unicorn teenage friend for Christmas - took the challagne of making my first shaker card with it - printed the design onto 230gsm photo for backing of shaker - bought card front I cut into sections and used a sticker machine so able to glue to acetate- two layers of 3d foam to give room for tiny seed beads in unicorn colours - gives lovely sound when moving - little bling inside as well - printed back message and placed upside down so will cause natural shake lol - only problem was trying to cover the edges nothing seems to stick to the sides of 3d foam - use glitter card and gem strips - still needs glue as not sticking completely - as difficult to mount to a card - painted and light a wood easel frame - and she can use again after - lovely design and enjoyed dispite glue issues the chance to be creative - thank you
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Magical Unicorn Christmas Card Front
An 8x8 glittery, unicorn face, card front with sentiments of Have A Magical Christmas, Just For You Granddaughter, and For A Very Special Daughter