Peach Rose Bouquet
A quick 7.5" x 7.5" card topper with choice of sentiment tags featuring a gorgeous bouquet of peach roses. This lovely card would be ideal for many occasions, I have included tags for birthday, anniversary and Mothers Day plus a blank for your own sentiment.
A matching insert panel is available separately.
Photographs from the Community
The design was printed twice onto 160 gm card and the pieces cut out. I coloured the edges of a scallop-edged card blank using Metallic Gilding Polish and mounted one of the main pieces using dst. I cut the center panel with the flowers from the other main piece and layered this using 2mm foam pads. The sentiment and the card Candi were added using 1mm foam pads. I mounted the matching sentiment inside the card using dst.
A very elegant design suitable for many occasions.