Turq rose with leaves and paper butterflies 8x8Completed by Anette De Villiers
OccasionMiscellaneous/Other / Miscellaneous
I printed two pages of this design as well as the pyramid roses from a additional offer from the designer. I used the second sheet of the design to add additional depth to the golden frame of the picture as well as the butterflies. I then added the pyramid roses to the middle of the design.
A delicate and beautiful design
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Turq rose with leaves and paper butterflies 8x8
Designed By
CategoryCard Making / Quick Cards / Floral Roses
OccasionMiscellaneous/Other / Miscellaneous
Ref #cup984256_415
Turq rose with leaves and paper butterflies 8x8, with gift card /topper makes a pretty card, there are matching rose pyramids (cup984228_415) available that would layer on this card design