Roses & RingsCompleted by Edna Pattison
OccasionWedding / Wedding
cup99083_643.Print three design sheets. Fold white card in half. cut out the main design and stick to card. Then cut out the lace edge and 3d foam to main sheet. Cut out the Rose head and bud. 3d foam to main. Cut out two bows. 3d over main bow. cut out two leaves and
3d foam to main. Add a little glitter glue around the edge of the lace frame and the bow. rings, Just a touch on the rose heads.
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Roses & Rings
Designed By
CategoryCard Making / Quick Cards / Wedding
OccasionWedding / Wedding
Ref #cup99083_643
A White & beige background with a gold lace edged topper featuring an images of white roses and wedding rings