Welcome Fireplace Petal Corner Stacker
CategoryCard Making / Stacker Cards / Petal Stacker
OccasionChristmas / Christmas Mum
Keywordsfriends, family, gifts, presents, santa, mum, dad, daughter, tree
Card Verses18 available in Christmas Mum
Ref #cup143081_708
File Size366.03 KB
Uploaded onDec 6, 2011
Text Used
christmas greetings
a lovely festive christmas card front. the main picture is a stone fireplace with a warm inviting open fire, decorated with a garland of pointsettia, berries and baubles and a set of bells and baubles at the sides. on the mantlepiece is a set of little christmas ornaments. these are all inside an ornate dark brown etched picture frame decorated at the corners with holly. a very pretty card when made up.
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