
Lily Bouquet Side Step StackerCompleted by Denise Bending

Printed onto crafty bob paper. Atteched the base image to a piece of gold card slightly larger than image, then made up the stacker.

Decided to make this as an easel card, so attached the completed staker to the top part of the easel, just to one side so I could add the greeting to the left.

Put gold card on the bas of the card. Attached a peice of white ribbon, with a bow onto a piece of gold card, matted this onto white card and put at the front of the base.

Added a yellow butterfly to just add the finishing touch to the card.

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Lily Bouquet Side Step Stacker

Designed By Category
Card Making / Stacker Cards / Side Stacker Triangle Edges Various
Ref #

I have designed this stacker with my own twist and you can create a 4 layered step stacker for your projects. Simply cut out the layers and using 3D glue or foam build up the layers and this will g ... Read More

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