Funky Pink Fairy Step by StepCompleted by Karen Faulds
I used an A4 tentfold card and covered it with a purple pearlescent paper to tone with the backing paper on the sheet. I stuck the backing paper centrally across this and then cut out and layered the fairy and stuck her to the left of the card. I used a greetings blank left over from another sheet which tones with the pink of the fairy wings and stamped a greeting in black ink (Hero Arts stamp), used foam squares to stick this to the middle of the blank area as shown and finally added purple jewelled embellishmentsto the corner of the card and the gretting, and clear glitter glue to the edge of the wings and the flowers on the dress.
This is a lovely card for a young teenage girl
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Funky Pink Fairy Step by Step
Great for little girls or big girls. This lovely funkey pink fairy step by step sheet