Pink Bouquet 2 A5 Lace Card Front Step by StepCompleted by Patricia Margaret Lewis
Printed onto photo paper, cut out and layered, added gold peel offs around large oval and outer edges of card.
Glittered roses, added bow and pink jewels at outside corners.
Looks like you have put in a lot of effort to make this card but there is so much detail already in the design that it makes this a very quick and enjoyable card to make.
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Pink Bouquet 2 A5 Lace Card Front Step by Step
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CategoryCard Making / Step By Steps / Floral Card Fronts
Ref #cup77734_10
I have designed this card front to fit a A5 card based on my original lace design. This is alittle bit more modern but still with a vintage style and I have made the extra toppers to build a 3D card ... Read More