Retro Inspired Card Front & Teabag TilesCompleted by Pamela Horton The whispering Platypus

Birthday / Birthday Friend

If like me you really enjoy using folding and cutting when card making, using the teabag method of an embellishment to your card making is an excellent addition to the variety and style of cards you like to make.

This Retro Inspired design by Ammie Sanders is an excellent choice for a universal style card and also any male celebration or occasion.

I printed the sheet supplied several times onto white 80 gsm copy paper and also several times onto white copy paper which I have also printed onto the back of the sheet with cup966501_21027 Crushed paper Effect Khaki, which matches the tones in the main image.

This gives the paper extra stability and the ability to cover the white edges in some of the folds. I cut out the teabag squares from the sheet provide folded them 4 ways, always with right side facing, with firm creases, opening after each fold and with pinching each one flat in the square position.

I then folded 8 of the squares each the same, with the open throat pointing towards me, and the dark centre point away from me, both the right and left hand side top flap in half towards the centre.

This means that the line of the fold sits along the original corner to corner diagonal fold line, making a smaller thinner triangle shape.

I repeated this for the left hand side.

I used 8 of these to form the completed tea bag and used white glue to attach this medallion in to position on the main image and set it aside to dry.

The card has 3 sections, the card front and the first 2 sided inside page and the insert.

This is made up by attaching to the inside of the main ivory 32 x 16 cm card, which I have scored and folded, the main inside ivory page which I have also scored and folded and measures 29x 15 cm.

I have used the crushed paper effect as above cut at 28.5 x 14.5 cm to attach as a backing sheet to the open inside section of this 29 x 15 cm card.

I have used a decorative retro diagonal design in khaki and ivory cut at 15.75 cm square to attach to the inside back cover of the larger ivory card, using D.S. tape and then attached the smaller ivory folded card to the back section of the main card over the top of the diagonal backing sheet.

I cut a 2nd backing sheet in the retro diagonal pattern and attached it to the inside of the main card.

To complete the topper I have used a 15 cm square retro design, as the main backing sheet.

I have used D.S. tape to attach the 14 cm square khaki crushed effect backing sheet and used a deep dark green fine line peel off strip to define the edges.

I then attached the 12.5 cm main image, and used fine line gold peel off strips to define the edges of this layer, before I have attached vertically the bronze organza ribbon and bow, securing the tails at the rear of these backing sheets.

I have then attached this group to the card front, and attached a sentiment label supplied with the sheet.

To complete the left hand side of the inside of the main card, I have used one of the printed images of the teabag design, and 4 differently folded single medallions as embellishment For the first page on the right hand side I have used a decorative dark green peel off strip, attached using D.S. tape, another of the 12.5 cm square main images centrally, then attached using white glue a teabag medallion folded in a different way, but still using the square fold style to pinch, flatten and close.

I have 2 differently folded square pinched style medallions, 1 simple triangle pinched style as per the instructions on the sheet, and the bow and a gold glitter chain style peel off as embellishments.

The inside crushed paper effect page I have left for my personal greeting and have attached one of the teabag images from the sheet as an embellishment I have photographed the stages for the main front cover teabag design and will later today include the written instructions in a free tutorial on this site.

It is called Retro Design Tea bag fold. I am happy to upload the other folds with guided photographs if there is a request for these. Thank you Ammie, I really enjoyed my card making today. Pamela Horton. The Whispering Platypus.

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Retro Inspired Card Front & Teabag Tiles

Designed By Category
Card Making / Tea Bag Sheets / Tea Bag & Card Front
Birthday / Birthday Friend
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Retro Inspired Card Front & Teabag Tiles Tea bag folding is a very simple craft that produces star-shaped embellishments suitable for cards and scrapbook pages.

There are an infinite number of fold ... Read More

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