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Cerise Floral Dress Special Day 8in Doily Decoupage TopperCompleted by Jayne Taplin

Birthday / Birthday Female

I really wanted to use the shape of the image when making the card so I printed the design onto good quality card and decoupaged the layers with 3D foam pads, apart from the bow.

I made a bow using matching ribbon and attached a gem to the centre of it. I used Wink of Stella clear pen to add a shimmer to the erflies wings and added glitter to the centre of the flowers to jazz the card up.

Two gems were added to the sentiment.

I then cut a blank card in the shape of a scalloped circle by folding a sheet of A3 and using a die.

I also cut matching layers for the inside of the card. Didnt really take that long but I love it!

This completed item is available to purchase directly from the Crafter.
Price includes shipping.

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Cerise Floral Dress Special Day 8in Doily Decoupage Topper

Designed By Category
Card Making / Toppers / 8x8 Floral
Birthday / Birthday Female
Ref #

I have designed this gorgeous topper to make a 8in Doily topper for your cards, this is a circle shape and it will fit on a 8inch square card or trim the square card and round the corners for effect. ... Read More

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