Festive toppersCompleted by Selina Dittmann
OccasionThis was printed on good quality photo paper.
Image 1: I used deep mint green coloured card topped with red coloured card as the background, adhered with double sided tape. For the base I used 2mm adhesive foam squares and 1mm for the layers. Finished off with white trim and stickles glitter.
Image 2: I used pale mint coloured pearl card topped with chocolate brown coloured card as the background, adhered with double sided tape. For the base I used 2mm adhesive foam squares and 1mm for the layers. Finished off with gold trim and stickles glitter.
Image 3: I used teal green coloured card topped withwhite and tan coulured cards as the background, adhered with double sided tape. For the base I used 2mm adhesive foam squares and 1mm for the layers. Finished off with gold trim and stickles glitter.
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Festive toppers
three toppers to fit smaller cards with sentiment tiles