Pink Roses Bouquet Floral ToppersCompleted by Valerie Boyle
OccasionBirthday / Birthday Female
I used white card, folded and scored to make an A5 landscape card. Onto this I put backing paper from the main kit, edging with silver border peel offs. The larger topper was put onto silver mirri and then attached to the card.
I also used a strip of silver mirri across card for decoration. A sentiment from the main kit and 2 tiny pink gems completed the card.
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Pink Roses Bouquet Floral Toppers
Designed By
CategoryCard Making / Toppers / Floral Roses
OccasionBirthday / Birthday Female
Ref #cup54302_422
This Toppers sheet, Pink Roses Bouquet Floral, is from my range of Floral Collection Designs. There are 3 sizes of toppers the smallest is perfect for ATC's and 2 Backing Plates. Click on the Multi ... Read More