For Sale
Stuck in the Mud Card TopperCompleted by Sharon Wilson
OccasionBirthday / Birthday Male
I printed on photo paper and cut out pieces. With the title being "Stuck in the Mud" I expected something different. But I really thought this was cute with the "still" loaded in the back.
I put the main sheet on deep red paper and added deco to that using s gel. Cute card, some guy would get a kick out of this for sure.
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Stuck in the Mud Card Topper
Designed By
CategoryCard Making / Toppers / Male Transport
OccasionBirthday / Birthday Male
Ref #cup667255_99
This really amazing old rusty truck is perfect for making card for men. It is perfect for celebrating birthdays, anniversaries, and they like. Husband, father, son, uncle, grandfather...