Tropical Beach TopperCompleted by Pamela Horton The whispering Platypus

World Cards & Holidays / Bon Voyage/Holiday/Travel

I printed the sheet provided twice onto the one A4 white card and used one main 10cm square image as the base for the card front.

I have used the actual 15x14cm white card front to attach a burnt orange 13x11.5cm backing sheet and edged it with the red decorative peel off strip.

I have used the same burnt orange card, cut at 12x10.5cm as the next backing sheet. I have cut from a 12x10.5cm black card, 4 strips. 2 of the strips measure 3.5cmx10.5cm and 2 measure 2.5cmx10.5cm.

To these strips I have then attached the 4 strips, carefully matching the top and bottom levels, so that they would form a complete image as in the photograph, cut from the original main image.

To do this, I turned the main 10x10cm image over and ruled the measurements vertically at the interval from the left hand side at 3cm, 2cm, 2cm, and 3cm.

I marked them from the left with an arrow to indicate the correct top of the image and from the left 4, 3, 2, and 1.

I used a glue tape roller to attach each of these to the matching black strips. I then attached the completed strips to the smaller burnt orange, 12x10.5cm card using red power tape. This topper, I then attached to the card front using padded D.S. tape.

I have made a double insert for this card and used the next main image from the sheet provided to attach to the inside of the left hand side of the card front.

The double insert measures 29x13.5cm and is scored and folded and then attached to the inside back cover of the main card.

I have chosen a verse I had written some time ago and changed it to suit the occasion.

This verse is available on the free verse site for aged up to 80 recipients. I plan to attach a lucky scratch the number card and pop it in the little box I have made and attached to the inside cover of the second insert.

I have attached one of the smaller images to the outside of this box and used 2 more smaller images to make gift cards and the 4th image I have used as a stamp on the envelope.

I have finished the embellishments with red peel off strips, and defined the edges of the card with a red permanent pen, added a fancy circle, star and sentiments and attached the numbers 80 to the card front.

This finished card fits easily into a 6”x5½” envelope.

The paper for this envelope is cut at 9½” and folded to fit. I love this tropical beach image, thank you Apertroae, for offering it for purchase. Pamela Horton. The Whispering Platypus.

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Tropical Beach Topper

Designed By Category
Card Making / Toppers / Scenic
World Cards & Holidays / Bon Voyage/Holiday/Travel
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Tropical Beach Topper

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