Vintage Summer Children Topper with Decoupage & PyramageCompleted by Taina Kankare
OccasionI printed the Vintage Summer Children Topper twice and mjh_NaturalFrames1.png once for frame. I cut the topper from the first decoupage sheet and the frame from the frame sheet. Then I attached the topper in the middle of the frame slightly overlapping the frame.
Then I attached my card front on a blue card base. I trimmed the edges leaving a tiny narrow blue border around the card. Next I cut out the pyramage from the first decoupage sheet. I attached the first layer. Then I decided to emphasize the steering wheel and cut it out from the other sheet without the "spikes" and center.
I attached it with foam pads. Then I cut the rope decorations from the other sheet and attached them on a piece of cardboard. Then I cut them out and attached into the card with glue. I decorated the card with two gold colored starfishes.