Religious Verses

Showing 1 - 21 of 21 Verses
Submitted By Hilda Mullinger
Wouldn't it be wonderful
If peace ruled throughout the land
No wars, no bombs, no fighting
Just shaking each others hand

Pray to God for peace on earth
That all the wars will cease
And that all peoples of the world
Will live together in peace
Submitted By Tasnim Chowdhury
May Allah Shower
You And Your Family
With Many Dua's,
May Your Day Be
A Very Joyful One.

Eid Mubarak!
Bird's Song
Submitted By Dorothy Manchester
Birdie, birdie on my head,
I didn't understand what you said.
What's that you say?
It's your way to pray.
You say to praise God we can sing,
He is forever our Lord King.

By Dorothy Manchester
Easter Celebration
Submitted By Diamond Crafts
There was sadness in the world the day Christ died upon the cross,
All those who loved him so much, really felt his loss,
Yet three days later the tombstone rolled,
He had risen, all be praised,
Let us all shout Hallelujah - let others be amazed.
The Compassionate One
Submitted By Diamond Crafts
When I feel my burden is heavy,
And I need someone to care,
I call upon the Compassionate One,
My worries He will share,
For my Comforter He will always be,
I'll shelter under His wings,
His Peace transcends my great distress,
And His Solace now He brings.
His Grace
Submitted By Diamond Crafts
Nothing will defeat me,
I will regroup and rise again,
Nothing will overwhelm me,
Despite my anguish and my pain,
My spirit though listing badly,
Diminished now it feels,
Just needs some peace and quiet,
For it's strength to be revealed,
So stay just by my side,
Your presence is my embrace,
Until the very moment,
When I'm filled with His Divine Grace.
When God Is On Your Side
Submitted By Diamond Crafts
When God is on your side,
Why do you ever worry?
Life will go on as it should,
Be patient, no need to hurry,
Lay your burdens at His feet,
He knows your every need,
Feel His love within your heart,
You always will succeed,
So read your bible, say a prayer,
It all will be so clear,
For God's way is the only way,
Be still and feel him near.
Submitted By Veronica Robertson
Sometimes you may face difficulties in life,
Not because you are doing something wrong
But Because you are doing something right
Have faith - Believe in God !
Submitted By Veronica Robertson
There is no beginning or no end
To your dreams or your plans.
Life is the journey we take
Each day of our lives
Live each day to the fullest !
Submitted By Anne Sutherland
I thank the LORD for you
today, and want
YOU to really know,
my prayer for you is
nothing less than
GOD?S blessings
from head to toe!
Beltane Blessings
Submitted By Jean King
Merry Beltane to you & yours
on this day of fires.

May the light & warmth bring happiness & joy
Beltane Fires
Submitted By Jean King
We light up the fires on Beltane
to purify the land.
May the light of the fire guide you
and keep you safe.
If You Can't Sleep
Submitted By Jan Barcelo
If you can't sleep
don't count sheep
just talk to the master
and he will bring you into his keep
The Lord Is My Shepherd
Submitted By Jan Barcelo
The Lord is my Shepherd
and i am one of his sheep
my love for the lord is anchored
even wheni am a sleep
I Wonder What Your Doing
Submitted By Jan Barcelo
I wonder what your doing
this day in heaven
like walking on streets of gold
while the doves are cooing
Give All Your Problems
Submitted By Jan Barcelo
Give all Your Problems
to our heavenly Father
because with God
theres no bother
When We Are In The Presents
Submitted By Jan Barcelo
When We Are in the Presents
of our Lord Jesus Christ
will we be able to stand
or will we be on our knees
singing his praises
We Can Only Imagine
Submitted By Jan Barcelo
We Can Only Imagine
what heaven will be like
will we sing all day
because there will be no night
Trust In God
Submitted By Jan Barcelo
Trust In God
in mountains you can't move
things you can't prove
for what have you to lose
God On The Mountain
Submitted By Jan Barcelo
God on the mountain
is still God in the valley
when things go wrong
he'll make them right
Jesus Took On The Sins Of The World
Submitted By Jan Barcelo
Jesus took on the sins of the world
on that old rugged cross
exchanging death for eternal life
so that none would be lost
Showing 1 - 21 of 21 Verses