This seller currently has 0 unanswered support requests and 3 open support requests. They have received a total of 6 support requests since May 23, 2016, of which 3 have been successfully closed. If support is important to you then you may find this information helpful.

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Showing 1 - 3 of 3 Requests

View all 4 messagesteddy and cat card

December 3, 2017 7:01 PMGillian morrell

Hi Carol

I was able to get your teddy and cat shaped Christmas card from the site.

I am having problems with working out how to use the accordion base bit.

The way i read it the card would not be able to be opened as a card.

Could you please give me some advice on how to assemble the card.



View all 4 messages8x8 box

August 5, 2016 2:41 PMGeorgina Mccartney

just bought the template for 8x8 box and just didn't give it a thought and now found i cant print it as my printer only takes a4 am hoping you can suggest maybe a way of getting round this.

thank you

View all 3 messagesRe batman and Minion card

June 5, 2016 11:46 AMPamela West

Hi Carol I hope you don't mind me saying but the Batman and Minion cards that you have made are done using illegal designs. The person who did the design doesn't have rights to the copyright of the images and will be in trouble for using them. If you sell any cards made with the designs you could get into trouble too. I thought I would let you know because I don't want you getting prosecuted. Disney. Warner Brothers. Thomas Kinkade and other companies are cracking down of people using their images. Kind regards. Pam

Showing 1 - 3 of 3 Requests