A Paper Yarn woven Basket made on a Basket Weaving Template

This basket is woven from colourful paper yarn on a basket weaving template. The edge is finished with a sewn-on piece of felt.

A Basket made on a Basket Weaving Template

Nature-wise (Natural intelligence): Children's natural knowledge is enhanced when they discover that useful cord can be made from some types of plant.

A Basket made on a Basket Weaving Template


Lift the pegs on the basket weaving template away from the base.

A Basket made on a Basket Weaving Template


Use a glue gun and attach the paper yarn onto the inside bottom of one of the pegs.

A Basket made on a Basket Weaving Template


Now weave the paper yarn inside and outside the pegs all the way around. Tighten and push the paper yarn down as you go along. Continue until you wish to change colour with a new piece of paper yarn.

A Basket made on a Basket Weaving Template


Secure paper yarn in a different colour with a blob of glue on the cut-off end of the previous piece of paper yarn.

A Basket made on a Basket Weaving Template


Finish the weaving at the top of the basket weaving template before the pegs bend. Use a glue gun to secure the loose end.

A Basket made on a Basket Weaving Template


Attach double-sided adhesive tape onto the outside of the basket edge – all the way around. Cut a 4.5cm wide piece of felt same length as the basket's circumference. NB: the large basket weaving template's diameter is 54 cm.

A Basket made on a Basket Weaving Template


Attach the piece of felt onto the double-sided adhesive tape and bend it over the edge – all the way around.

A Basket made on a Basket Weaving Template


Push the weaving underneath the felt edge down a bit, allowing some space for passing a needle when sewing on the felt during the next step.

A Basket made on a Basket Weaving Template


Cut a 1m piece of paper yarn. Secure the end onto the basket weaving template behind the felt with a blob of glue. Now sew the felt onto the basket all the way around.

A Basket made on a Basket Weaving Template