A bird table painted with Plus Color, decoupaged with handmade paper glued on with Paverpol. A coat of Paverpol sculptural glue is then aplied to the whole house with a brush. The Paverpol hardens and prolongs life when used outdoor.
Paint the house with Plus Color.
Cut the cotton cord as follows: Six pieces measuring 1.5m for the bars – 1m for the top – 4m in one piece for hanging. Glue the cotton cord onto the bar with a glue gun. Wrap the cotton cord (1.5m) around the bar, apply Paverpol glue onto the bars as you wrap on the cotton cord. Glue on the end with a glue gun – follow the same procedure on all the bars.
Glue the cotton cord onto the top with a glue gun.
Apply Paverpol glue and wrap around.
Cut off the end.
Coat the bird table with the Paverpol glue
Cut a paper strip measuring 50 x 2.7m and glue on with Paverpol.
Cut off the end.
Coat the bottom and the paper with Paverpol.
Double over the 4m cotton cord and twist tightly. Then double over after having twisted it and tie the ends. Cut another piece of string and pull it through the twisted piece of the cotton cord.
Pull the twisted piece of cotton cord through the hole – use the piece of string.
Tie a loop for hanging. Cut off the ends neatly