Transfer Glass Color on a Candle Holder

This candle holder is decorated with colourful dots made with Transfer Glass Color on a piece of transparent foil.

A Candle Holder decorated with colourful Dots


Make large dots in different colours by dripping Transfer Glass Color from the tip of the bottle onto the foil.

A Candle Holder decorated with colourful Dots


Let the colourful dots dry for 24 hours. Remove them from the foil. Moisten them with water – enough to make them stick. Now place them onto the candle holder glass.

A Candle Holder decorated with colourful Dots


With a cloth, push the dots firmly onto the glass and wipe off the water. Let the candle holder dry for 24 hours and then fix it in a household oven at 160 C for 45 minutes.

A Candle Holder decorated with colourful Dots