The Circus has come to Town

Clowns made from corrugated board, compressed cotton balls, pipe cleaners and tissue paper.

A Clown made from Corrugated Board


Draw a face on a compressed cotton ball using Colortime markers.

A Clown made from Corrugated Board


Make the body from a piece of rolled-up corrugated board. Use Dana super hobby glue to glue the body, the pipe cleaner arms and the head together.

A Clown made from Corrugated Board


Glue on the bow tie, buttons, hands and feet.

A Clown made from Corrugated Board


Double over a piece of tissue paper and push or scrunch it together around a flower stick.

A Clown made from Corrugated Board


Partly cut open the compressed tissue paper to make hair.

A Clown made from Corrugated Board


Glue the tissue paper onto the cotton ball for the clown's hair.

A Clown made from Corrugated Board