A Paper Crane

The crane is folded using double-sided Vivi Gade Design origami paper following the Japanese folding technique of origami. A piece of mercerised cotton yarn with a tassel and beads is attached for hanging.


Fold a square piece of paper measuring 14x14 cm twice diagonally, open again and then fold it twice halfway and open again.


Then fold the paper into a square of the size of the original square. The openings are at the bottom.


From both sides, fold the top layer towards the middle. Repeat on the opposite side.


Fold down the top tip so it appears as a triangle.


Unfold again.


"Hold down" the back triangle whilst folding the front part upward.


Fold in both sides, forming a diamond shape.


Lift the bottom tip and fold in the sides, forming a diamond shape. Fold in the triangle behind, so the shape can lie flat and be smoothed. Repeat on the opposite side.


Now you have a double tip with two individual tips at the bottom.


Pull each tip up between the wings so they slope slightly upwards. Press flat.


Fold it flat and smooth it. Repeat on the other side. Fold down between so the bird's head appears.


Fold the wings downwards and the bird is ready to fly.


To make a tassel, wrap the mercerised cotton yarn around two fingers.


Hold the wound yarn in place with a piece of doubled-over cotton yarn and thread two beads onto both ends. Tie a knot after the second bead and cut off one of the excess cotton yarn ends. Tie another knot on the remaining cotton yarn approx. 2cm from the first knot.

Make the tassel by wrapping a piece of cotton yarn around the top quarter of the tassel towards the beads, leaving a small loop at the top. Cut open the tassel at the other end.


Use a needle for threading the cotton yarn through the folded crane.


Thread another two beads onto the cotton yarn at the top and tie a small loop for hanging at the top.